June 26, 2010


, originally uploaded by Madeline Packard.

June 25, 2010

Join us anytime

Summer has officially, officially begun (as of June 21st). Things have been settled, plans have been made, and I am enjoying spending time with my dear friend Emily (Emilya to me). Consequently, my complete flickr stream is filled with photos of my friend Emily without a break to show new people - giving the impression that I have no friends and that Emily is my only one. Alas, as this may seem true to me, I am finding that this should no longer be the case and that new days calls for new adventures, new people, and ultimately new memories.

Today I am going onto the A&M University campus to work in my mother's lab (Gender Development Lab, that is) and help with some sort of coding for baboons. Do I understand what that means? At the moment, no.

Do I understand why I have been writing this way? No, perhaps it is the early morn.

June 19, 2010


I scribbled today, quite a lot.

Fun website:

Glimpses into summer, so far

These are my newest summer photos, taken with my Nikon FM10 (35mm film). Though they are not anything worthy to post on my flickr, they are a glimpse into summer 2010 and how I have spent my days - exploring my town with Emily (we found cattails, how strange!), baking deserts and breads, and looking at the clouds.

Speaking of which, I have recently fallen in love with the day-time sky. The clouds have been large, filled with shadows providing it with dimension. It is all so lovely.

Silly man; Silly theories

I have had this blog for a full year. I have only used it for.. about half of that time. If you used to read my blog while I was active on blogger, then you will be familiar with what I am about to say.

Last summer, I attended debate camp. At debate camp, I attended lectures - which have become my favorite things to look back upon. There was one man who was humorous, and kind, and loved horror movies. To short description, he told us an idea which I believe I have heard of or perhaps thought of before. He told us that fear was perhaps the only emotion we had. Now, not to repeat my other earlier post, but instead to just touch upon my thoughts at the moment, I have come to conclude - and to admit to myself - that we cannot understand emotion to some degree. Our psychologists and analysts may be able to understand quite more then I may, but ultimately emotion is an endless mystery with many discoveries to be found. However, back to this man of horror films, he explained that fear was the only emotion we had. Love was the fear of being alone, happiness was the fear of being sad, and so on. At the moment, I had a very hard time accepting this. Recently, though, I have come to these same summer thoughts - as well as many others - and analyzed them again, after a year or being wafted in and out of my head.

I have decided that I do agree with this man, that there really can be only one basic emotion, and that every other emotion revolves itself around it, creating itself from it or from the lack of it. Such as shadow is only available if there is light, emotion can only be available from the lack of, the gain of, or the dispersement of one other. Now, do I believe it is fear that is the sun of emotions? Perhaps. Though it seems ultimately very nihilist, it is on the other hand not, if you look at it from a Nietzsche-sort of view, or some other nice philosopher that analyzes from a disconnected view.

Now, all of this might have been quite obvious to you. It might have been something you have not heard of, yet it all makes sense. Maybe you disagree with me. Feel free to comment if you do read this long paragraph, as I would love to hear your thoughts. However, I do believe that this large paragraph has scared away many and the few followers/readers I still obtain.

Today is Saturday, and it is 10:21 in the morning. I must practice my harp, I must straighten out my room, and I must sit and sort things out. I hope that the day is lovely.

June 18, 2010


Next Tuesday, June 22, is my 16th birthday. A few days ago, my mother took me to purchase a pearl ring - because it is my birth stone - for my birthday. We ended up getting this ring, which I really quite adore. It has two pearls, and apparently, according to Emily, small diamonds set next to the bands. It looks like it would have been a straight band that was wrapped in a circle for a ring, with the pearls on each end. Sorry for poor quality photo and my poor quality face. It's 9:06 PM and my light is not strong.

Once to play with

I have taken my things and my memories and sealed them in a wicker treasure box.

Flickr Followers

, originally uploaded by Madeline Packard.

This photo has over 400 views, and 26 favorites - making it my most popular photo on Flickr by far. Before I go any further, I do want to make sure that I allow myself to say that yes, I do like this photo. I would not have it/upload it to my Flickr if I did not. However, I do not think it deserves as much attention as it has received while comparing it to my other photos (such as concept photos which I have actually put thought into and that I think are much more interesting then my polka-dotted knees). Of course, this is my opinion. And what is that of a photographers?

Austin trip

, originally uploaded by Madeline Packard.


Color Scheme Project

, originally uploaded by Madeline Packard.

A small photography project I started at the beginning of the summer. Originally, I had been planning to do a documentary on color history, the influence of colors, what we connect certain colors with, and how we see them now. The ultimate goal of the video was to find the least influential color, or the one with the smallest amount of reference, and place it in areas where it could be seen. This ultimately was going to be my original "Color Scheme". Due to lack of time during the fall/spring semesters, I decided to transfer this idea to photography.

Hello Blogger

These nights are getting are getting cold.