First topic to discuss:
Alright, alright. Simmer down children. We all enjoy some good party music, yeah? Well I was talking with my friend the other day and I realized that 'party music' is way different from our 'own music'. For example, I listen to mostly non-lyrical compositions, but party wise I would have to shout out "Bring on the BASS!"
My replayed songs would have to be:
Patron Tequila - Paradiso Girls
Arab Money - Busta Rhymes
Love Game - Lady GaGa (haha, disco stick. that's genius)
The lyrics, hahaha. They are so bad, that it's great.
My rediscovered love is:
THE CRANBERRIES! Expecially, "Dreaming my Dreams"; "Disappointment"; and "Zombie" (of course!)

Alright, next on the agenda.
I've discovered the beauty in local libraries. I have gone... three times in the past five days. Which is more then I ever would have thought. The most recent story that I could tell you about would be that I was sitting at a table next to this older Indian man. Everytime I would get up to get a different book, he would give me the meanest look. Maybe it's because I was distracting him with my movement? Or my short high waisted shorts. Tehee.
Finally, I will fill you in on my 'Prince Charming' list, mainly because I think the majority of girls should have one of these.
1. Play piano. And on piano, be able to play 'To Zanarkand' beautifully.
2. Have an appreciation for art, photography, or film.
3. Strong opinion, but highly interested in learning new perspectives for personal 'intellectual-expansion'.
4. Not dependent on drugs in anyway. At all. And no excuses!
5. Understanding and not possesive.
6. Correct grammar. None of the "hay wat r u up 2?" or "Heyy babbbyyyyy" ick, gag.
7. Use my name, which is Madeline (incase you didn't know), at random instances.
Hehe, alright. I'm finished. Sorry guys, that was a bit whiney of me.
I am your prince charming.