June 20, 2009

Vacationing Summer

Define: Vacationing Summer

(n) 1. The act of leaving home sometime during June through August. 2. Making the most of time spent during June through August. 3. PARTYING. WOO!

So, the reason I am bringing this up is because I will be vacationing my summer very soon. I'll be gone for three weeks, back for a few days, gone for two weeks, back for another few days, and gone for a week before school starts. So this may be one of the last few posts until August. (GASP).

Important news to discuss:

It will be my birthday! I'm going to be a decade and half old on June 22nd.

I know, no time for a party! But hopefully something great will happen on the day, or sometime around the 22nd. Maybe a conga line in my dorm room where I will be staying? Yeah? Hahah.

Next, can I just point on the fact that I love Sean Ryan's voice? He's pretty much a myspace music guy, I'm almost sure he is undiscovered, but he is really good.

If you want to check him out (which I think you should!) then click here!

Next, I want to say I MISS MY FRIENDS. Ehehehehh (that's my pathetic whimper via computer).

OK, sniff. I'm done! Done with this sad face.

I am considering starting a v-log (hah, a video blog). My friend and I started one, checkitcheckitcheckit:

there's just a taste of us Sue and Milly, ahahaha.

But yes, my own personal v-log! Just one. Only one.

My precioussss.

Come watch Lord of the Rings with me once, and I will love you forever =]

Just so you know, I'm quite content with everything at the moment. I'm very happy and everything appears to be smooth sailing (with the occasional tidal wave). So yes, happy days =]

Alright, that's all for a while!
Beam me up Scotty!

June 17, 2009

Rambling Thoughts

LALALALA. Alright, new blog title. Tidbits floating in my mind will probably be jotted down in this section. Chyeeeeah.

First topic to discuss:

Alright, alright. Simmer down children. We all enjoy some good party music, yeah? Well I was talking with my friend the other day and I realized that 'party music' is way different from our 'own music'. For example, I listen to mostly non-lyrical compositions, but party wise I would have to shout out "Bring on the BASS!"

My replayed songs would have to be:

Patron Tequila - Paradiso Girls
Arab Money - Busta Rhymes
Love Game - Lady GaGa (haha, disco stick. that's genius)
Run the Show - Kat DeLuna
Robocop - Kanye West (props to Kanye, as always)

The lyrics, hahaha. They are so bad, that it's great.

My rediscovered love is:

THE CRANBERRIES! Expecially, "Dreaming my Dreams"; "Disappointment"; and "Zombie" (of course!)

haha, woo =]

Alright, next on the agenda.

I've discovered the beauty in local libraries. I have gone... three times in the past five days. Which is more then I ever would have thought. The most recent story that I could tell you about would be that I was sitting at a table next to this older Indian man. Everytime I would get up to get a different book, he would give me the meanest look. Maybe it's because I was distracting him with my movement? Or my short high waisted shorts. Tehee.

I will fill you in on my 'Prince Charming' list, mainly because I think the majority of girls should have one of these.


1. Play piano. And on piano, be able to play 'To Zanarkand' beautifully.

2. Have an appreciation for art, photography, or film.

3. Strong opinion, but highly interested in learning new perspectives for personal 'intellectual-expansion'.

4. Not dependent on drugs in anyway. At all. And no excuses!

5. Understanding and not possesive.

6. Correct grammar. None of the "hay wat r u up 2?" or "Heyy babbbyyyyy" ick, gag.

7. Use my name, which is Madeline (incase you didn't know), at random instances.

Hehe, alright. I'm finished. Sorry guys, that was a bit whiney of me.

June 16, 2009

The Loveliest Things

I don't claim to be a photographer, hence why I never take pictures. However, photography is beautiful. Black and white pictures are my favorite. Anything with a Holga camera is wonderful. Anyone who can master light painting (see last two photos) is my hero. The following pictures are a few examples of my favorite subjects, styles, and works of photography at the moment.

June 6, 2009

Read of the Moment

This is my favorite book, end of story. Well actually I guess I should say it is my CURRENT favorite book. It will be pretty hard to beat it. I absolutely love this story. It's beautiful, but in a very disturbing and truthful way.

Basically it discusses a future world when the media has completely overrun the majority of the human population - to the point where there is an online computer system installed into the central nervous system called a 'feed' that monitors your every want and desire (hence the name).

This story has many themes I could discuss. It has a love story I could cover as well (which makes me cry, because the love story is not complete).

I suggest reading this if you ever want a book to read. It's wonderful.

Honorable Mentions

Pingu is adorable. It's a claymation childrens show that follows the life of an artic penguin and his friendship with a seal and his own family. However, the 'old' or 'classic' Pingu is better then the most recent episodes.

The best part of this show is Pingu himself. He makes strange noises, overreacts, and is an overall bossy, older brother to his sister Pinga. When he is excited, angry, or attempting to attract attention, he honks his... beak? :)

check out www.pingu.net for cuddly penguins and the most Pingu you can get.

June 4, 2009

Time to Smile

Smile everyone, Mort is cute.

June 3, 2009

Summer Nights

Daily heat, little shade, and friends galore. Summer has finally begun, and I have found myself returning to last year's schedule of exploring my father's collection of movies and my own. Late night movies are great, yeah?

I just saw the 1998 movie Sphere with Dustin Hoffman and Sharon Stone. I have to admit, this movie was really confusing. Basically these people end up having to dive down into the bottom of the ocean (below the realistic depth humans would be able to dive) in order to investigate a spaceship. Aboard the spaceship is this huge sphere that ultimately destroys half of the crew. Whoo, nice film.

Doris Day. I tend to re-watch all of her movies as summer rolls in. Current favorites: The Glass Bottom Boat, Lover Come Back, The Pajama Game, and Calamity Jane. I'm sure I could name a few others, but that is all i can recall at this point.

Ever seen Ferngully? It's a eco-friendly, 'save the rainforest' production by Fox. Zack is a human chopping down tree's in a rainforest, and Crysta is a fairy who lives there. Ironically, Zack almost get's killed by a falling tree so magical little fairy Crysta shrinks him down to her size. My question for you is how could you resist Zack's mullet hair, Crysta's fluffy, black, shaggy hair, and the love story that circles the two? Fairy and human, <3