August 27, 2009

Troubled Disney?

The Black Cauldron - it might be my favorite disney movie. It has this wonderful character, Gurgi. And then the horned king, who I think, is a bit scarier then any other Disney villian.

Wanted: Camera

I miss my poor little canon. It was quite the tragedy when it broke. I'm tired of posting pictures from the internet, so here - random photos. The first is a laser pointing at the camera - woooah, tripppayy. Next two are from UTNIF from this past summer (Quick! Where's the flux capacitor? Ahaha...) And finally a photo that never made the blog.

I'm excited to start filming this year. It will be loads of fun, yeah? I reread Michel de Montaigne's "Of Cannibals" the other day. It may be my favorite piece of literature at the moment. Don't bore me with heart breaking fiction of vampires and werewolves (cough cough). Appreciation for literature in my class has seemed to drain to a low. I also just finished "The Chrysalids". Sooo amazing.

August 25, 2009


School is back. What a joy. I must find time to blog somewhere in my schedule. Enjoy some of Alistar Allan's photos.

August 21, 2009

The Blower's Daughter

Lisa Hannigan and Damien Rice <33

August 20, 2009


And boy, what an image.

Thankk youuu Irving Penn. Oh - buy "Extreme Beauty in Vogue " as SOON as you can.

August 19, 2009

To you

It's another one of those moments, in another one of those days.

August 18, 2009

Veronica Musings

"I want to be a rockstar when I'm older."
ME: "Everybody wanted to be a rockstar when they were younger."
VERONICA: "Really?"
ME: "Yeeeahh. You will also want to be a teacher, vet, and a doctor."
VERONICA: "If I was a doctor, I would have to help people."
ME: "Well don't you want to help people?"
VERONICA: "No, not really."



San Diego is nice. The people here are different from the ones in Texas. Not many dress like me. I actually saw someone wearing a cowboy hat though. It reminded me of home. But anywho, between my event filled days, I have these quiet moments to relax. I've decided to blog (of course). Today's feature would be the following two lovely ladies.

Gemma Ward. Have you seen her eyes? Most likely, you have. If not - you need to go look her up right now.

Kat Dennings. My alternative Ellen Page. I might actually.. almost prefer her? Shocking, yeah?

August 17, 2009

Daily Spread

Today, I visited a small area with multiple amusement park rides. There was also an artificial wave where people showed off their boogie boarding skills. But what caught my attention was the carousel. Children lined up against the railing and pointed and called out "I want the one with the red scarf!" or "I want the white horse, or the one with the gold saddle!" It was a whole different world. Childhood, that is. When each child was granted access to climb onto the animals, and the carousel started turning, they each waved and smiled. They didn't care who was watching - they just kept waving. Like princesses and princes. Or gentlemen/gentlewomen gallivanting across imaginary plains of magic. How precious, right?

Even more so, I remembered that there is so much more than what happens to myself. There are individuals with histories. They cry, laugh, and spread memories to one another. I have to remember that I am still only one person who is apart of this very crowd - a crowd of haters and lovers alike.


One day, I will have a helmet like this myself. Plus - I will wear it to their concert.

August 16, 2009

Title Name

^^What a player, haha.

August 14, 2009

Anchors Away

I'm uncreative and use the same titles from my deviantart account. Sue me.

Photographs from a plane. Somewhere over the middle of the United States.

August 9, 2009


Crazy Ol' Maurice. Drawing by sodapopman5000 on deviant art.

To be


My camera broke on my trip. I won't be able to post as many pictures as I would like to. Once I get a new camera though, brace yourself.

August 8, 2009

No Need

Photos by Alistar Allan - Ponystep Paris, 28th February. Thankkkk youuu red lips and pleasantly strange people.

August 7, 2009

Brigitte Bardot

Second appearence from Brigitte on my blog. I love her look.

Brigitte Bardot

Brigitte Bardot

Brigitte Bardot

Brigitte Bardot

August 6, 2009

Mittens and Exploration

Four Mile Inn

Adorable B&B in Cape Breton. I tried getting a vintage, grainy feel for a few of these pictures. Sigh.

**Canadian TIME magazine from.... 1970 something. Check out the cigarette add. You can't have advertisements like that anymore for cigs.

Finding Narnia